Donate today to support Children First Fund: The Chicago Public Schools Foundation image

Donate today to support Children First Fund: The Chicago Public Schools Foundation

Your donation helps Chicago Public Schools students, families, and teachers

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Donate Now to Support Chicago Public Schools through Children First Fund

As the Chicago Public Schools Foundation, the Children First Fund works to promote equity in education. Chicago Public Schools is the third largest school district in the country. We know that talent is equally distributed among our 355,000 CPS students--but opportunity and resources are not. We wake up every day on a mission to improve the lives and futures of CPS students.

In response to the COVID-19 crisis, the CFF Compassion Fund has been providing critical support to our most vulnerable school communities. Through the Compassion Fund, we have provided direct emergency relief for families facing difficult circumstances, technology and internet connectivity to enable remote learning, culturally-relevant books, school supplies, and more.

Your support will continue to make it possible to help families pay their bills and rent during these challenging times.

You’ll help us continue to bridge the digital divide and ensure that all students and teachers have the devices, internet connectivity, and other tools they need to be successful while learning remotely.

And, as the holiday season approaches, our school communities will need additional support. Through the Compassion Fund, you will also be supporting holiday meals and warm, winter coats.