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Friends of the Clerks

Help us honor our CPS clerks this Clerk Day!

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Clerks are the Heart of the School

Help us honor our clerks on this Clerk’s Appreciation Day!

Clerks wear a lot of hats, support the school principal, and collect essential school forms from families. In addition, clerks often are the designee for school-based programming through scheduling and coordinating school-based services. And importantly, clerks are the first face a family sees when they arrive at a school building. In summary, clerks provide excellent support to our school communities and are the heart of each CPS school. Help us honor clerks and their critical role by supporting our Clerk Appreciation Day campaign to raise funds for district-wide celebrations on April 27th, 2022! Your philanthropic support will go towards purchasing and delivering gifts to all 1200 CPS clerks this April. Clerks have been the rock at their schools and have been pivotal to getting us all through these past few challenging years - let’s celebrate and appreciate them together this spring!